Canadiana TDR AIP Technical Specification (version 0.2) Abstract This document describes the technical specification for the Trustworthy Digital Repository (TDR) Archival Information Package (AIP). The AIP is used internally to store and manage digital objects deposited to the TDR. Status This is a working draft and is subject to change. The finalized specification will be given the version number 1.0. The specification may be amended from time to time to accomodate new functional requirements of the TDR and of services based on TDR content. Purpose The Canadiana TDR AIP is meant for long-term archical storage of digital objects and their associated metadata and other sources. It accomodates the storage, location of digital objects and allows for the tracking of changes and verification of authenticity and fixity. Scope Each AIP stores information for a single Submission Information Package (SIP). Standards The following standards are used within the AIP: BagIt v.0.97: CSIP: CMR: Structure An AIP is a BagIt version 0.97 archive. The archive is structured as follows: root |- bagit.txt |- bag-info.txt |- data/ | |- changelog.txt | |- cmr.xml | |- revisions/ | |- sip/ |- manifest-crc32.txt |- manifest-md5.txt bagit.txt This is the BagIt declaration file. bag-info.txt This file will contain generic human-readable metadata describing the content of the archive and the date of bagginbagit.txt This is the BagIt declaration file. bag-info.txt This file will contain general human-readable metadata describing the content of the archive and the date of last update. changelog.txt A file logging all operations made to the AIP. Each line consists of a timestamp in ISO 8601 combined date and time fomrat followed by whitespace and a description of the action performed. Actions logged include the following: - Initial creation of the AIP - Update of the AIP with a new SIP (and movement of the previous sip into the revisions directory) - Update of the AIP with a new metadata record (and creation of a partial revision containing the old metadata record) - Withdrawal of the SIP and all revisions (and reason for withdrawal) - Creation or re-creation of the CMR record (cmr.xml) cmr.xml A Canadiana Metadata Repository file derived from metadata.xml in the SIP. manifest-crc32.txt A CRC-32 decimal checksum of all files in the data directory. This file is used to validate the integrity of the archive over time. It is re-generated each time the AIP is modified. manifest-md5.txt Like manifest-crc32.txt but with MD5 hexadecimal digests. This manifest provides a more rigorous but slower checksum for validation. It too is re-generated each time the AIP is modified. Note that the sip is also a BagIt archive and contains its own manifest-md5.txt file for validation. Unlike the AIP manifest, the sip manifest is never re-generated and can therefore be used to ensure the long-term fixity of the sip. revisions Any time the SIP is updated, the previous version of the SIP is copied to the revisions directory and named according to the current timestamp in the form YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS in UTC. For example: 201020516T145512. This ensures a permanent record of all revisions to the SIP and allows for a reversion to a previous version if required. The SIP may be updated by replacing its metadata record only. In this case, a partial revision is made by creating a revision directory as above with the suffix ".partial" appended. This partial revision contains a copy of the replaced metadata file and a complete copy of the manifest-md5.txt file. This allows corrections or updates to be made to a metadata record without duplicating all of the digital content, but still retaining a record of the change and the ability to revert to the previous version of the record. sip This is a valid CSIP archive and forms the core of the AIP. Once ingested, the contents of this directory are never modified, though they may be superseded if the AIP is updated with a revised SIP. Location Each AIP occupies a specific designated place within the repository. Each AIP has a unique TDR identifier which is the value of the locally-unique identifier provided by the depositor in the metadata.xml file within the SIP prefixed by the Canadiana-assigned depositor code and a period. The depositor code consists only of lowercase ASCII letters (a-z). Adding the prefix code and a dot makes the locally-unique identifier globally within the TDR. Example: Local identifier: 00989 Depositor code: oocihm TDR identifier: oocihm.00989 The AIP root directory name is the same as its globally-unique identifier. It is stored in a hashing subdirectory which is a three-digit number taken from the three least significant digits of the unique identifier's CRC32 decimal checksum. This hashing subdirectory is located in a depisitor directory named with depositor code. The depositor directory is placed under the TDR root. Example: TDR identifier: oocihm.00989 AIP location (relative to TDR root): oocihm/594/oocihm.00989 Modification After initial ingest, an AIP may be updated by depositing a new SIP with the same identifier. The existing SIP will be moved to the revisions directory of the AIP and the new SIP will take its place. From time to time, non-sip data may be added or updated to accommodate new functional requirements of the TDR or applications which use it. Once created, an AIP may never be deleted. A SIP may be withdrawn on the request of the depositor, in which case the SIP, inclduing all previous revisions, and the derived cmr.xml file will be deleted, but the AIP structure, including the changelog.txt file, remain in place to provide a record of all creation, modification and withdrawal events.